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Cricket Club Insurance

Cricket Club Insurance Policies- Call Assetsure for a quote

Cricket Club Insurance-At Assetsure, we can provide insurance for your Cricket Club regardless of whether you run a local friendly league side or larger professionally run county club. We offer a wide range of sports insurance perils including Accidental Damage to both buildings and contents. Most Cricket clubs will have a range of business assets across the cricket ground, including the club house pavilion contents, seating, bats, stumps, balls, match score machines, pitch mowers and trophies & awards and of course stock.

The Cricket club insurance we provide comes with a number of different sections, to help protect your business. Firstly, we can cover the club club pavilion itself. We realise that not all Cricket club buildings are constructed of bricks with a slate roof. Most local village green club buildings will be constructed of timber. We will need to know full details as well as details of any outbuildings (for example those to store practice cricket coaching equipment, lawn mowers or other cricket pitch equipment). We will need to know the security employed at the Cricket club, such as locks on the doors (including out buildings) and if the premises has an alarm (this is not always necessary) Details of the roofing material used will also be required.

The contents section of the policy will cover all the club equipment & contents including those items listed above, if you have any especially valuable items such as trophies or memorabilia, we will need to know valuations and where they are kept. Cover is provided on a replacement as new basis. We will also cover any stock that you keep at the premises and this may include items of equipment or clothing if you have a shop at the premises, or for hire, foodstuffs and alcohol if you have a bar or refreshment area. This section of the policy will also cover you for replacing or making good any breakage or malicious scratching of internal or external glass for which you are responsible at your clubhouse.

We will also provide cover for outside catering up to £2000 if you provide services in another building where you are providing catering. We will also cover you if you are a tenant ( for example you rent your building from a private landlord or your local council) in respect of your legal liability to pay rent or lease payments for a period up to one year if your building is un tenantable as a result of damage caused by any of the insured perils.

Other sections of the policy will cover you for any Business Interruption at your premises (for example on the eve of your annual tournament, the club house burns down resulting in the event being cancelled, you were hoping to make profits at the club through the sale of equipment and refreshments etc and this is not possible. The perils section of your policy will cover the damage to the building itself and the contents and the business interruption section, will deal with your loss of profits.

The liabilities section of the Cricket club insurance policy will provide cover for Public Liability, Products Liability and Employer’s liability. The definition of what constitutes an employee is very wide, so even persons that are acting at the club as unpaid helpers, volunteers etc could feasibly make a claim against the club for negligence. The limit of indemnity for employer’s liability is £10,000,000. A certificate of insurance will be provided, which should be displayed in prominent position, where all staff can view it. If your renewal is due soon why not ring us for to compare your existing cricket insurance broker quote with our cricket insurance policy.

Cricket Club Insurance Policies- Call Assetsure for a quote.

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