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Types of Bicycle Valve

There are several types of bicycle valves, each with its own unique design and characteristics. In this article, we'll delve into the various types of bicycle valves commonly used in the cycling world. In fact, in the United Kingdon you will really only encounter the first two on this list....

Guide to Different Bicycle Types

In this article, we will delve into the world of bicycles and explore the different types that have captured the hearts of British cyclists....

Different Types of Bicycle Tyre

Bicycle tyres are an essential component that significantly impacts the performance and comfort of a cyclist's ride. Making sure you have the correct tyres fitted can help to improve your overall cycling experience....

How to change a Bicycle Chain

Assetsures guide on how to change a bicycle chain, we would also suggest that you view a few videos on YouTube as sometimes a visual demonstration is far easier that simply reading a script....

Safe Cycling Guide: Road Cycling Helmet & More

Discover the ultimate safe cycling guide with Assetsure's blog! From a road cycling helmet to staying visible, get expert tips to keep you safe on the road....

Happy National Bike to Work Day 2023

Happy National Bike to Work Day! From improved health to reduced carbon footprint, celebrate cycling's benefits & protect your bike with Assetsure's insurance....

London to Brighton Cycle Guide 2023

We have everything you need to know about the London to Brighton Cycle 2023. We have the must-read guide if you plan on making the trip this summer....

Commuter Cycle Insurance

Commuting to work by bicycle is a great way to stay active, save money on transportation, and reduce your carbon footprint compared to driving your car. Make sure you take out Cycle Insurance to protect your bike....

Urban E-Bikes as Transportation

Electric bikes, or e-bikes, are bicycles that are equipped with an electric motor and a rechargeable battery. The motor provides pedal assistance to the rider, making it easier to navigate hills and travel longer distances without getting as tired as on a traditional bicycle....

E-Bikes The Pros & Cons

Electric bicycles, also known as e-bikes, are becoming increasingly popular as an alternative mode of transportation. They offer a number of advantages over traditional bicycles, including cost savings, improved health and fitness, convenience, and environmental benefits...

Insuring Your Bike Online

Insuring items online is a popular way to buy insurance products, such as bicycle insurance. How easy is it to do it and is it safe to do so....

A Guide to Cycling Liability Insurance

Information regarding Cycling Liability Insurance available under a bicycle insurance policy. What cover is available....

A Guide to Choosing an Insurance Approved Bicycle Lock

Choosing the right bike lock for your needs can be daunting, especially when considering all the types of locks and insurance requirements. However, with the correct information, navigating insurance requirements and finding appropriate locks don't have to be a headache...

Guide to Mountain Bike Insurance 

Mountain biking is an adrenaline-filled and exhilarating sport but it can also be dangerous. Protecting yourself and your investment from potential mishaps is essential whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting.  ...

Insurance Approved Bicycle Locks

What are insurance approved bicycle locks, what are the classifications and how do you check if a lock is insurance company approved....

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