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HomeLeisure InsuranceCamera Insurance

Make sure your item is covered the right way...

Camera Insurance, -Whether you are a professional photographer or keen amateur, we have a policy that will cover your camera and equipment. We will quote for most type of camera equipment including accessories such as: lenses, filters, tripods, bags and dark room apparatus.

Camera Insurance - Why insure your camera?

Cameras are expensive delicate pieces of equipment and because of their portability are easily lost or stolen. Whether away from the home or in the home, cameras are susceptible to being stolen, dropped, or damaged by liquids. Insurance can help pay for damages or loss.


Insurance cover especially designed for Camera’s

At Assetsure, we arrange insurance that has been specially designed to cover cameras on a stand-alone basis. We consider all types of cameras, anything from an entry level DSLR up to a top of the range Leica. Cover is available for perils such as loss or damage which is different from the warranty cover you would normally receive from the manufacturer of your equipment.

Our Assetsure arranged insurance is ideal if you are in a situation where you only want to cover a small number of valuable items. Often a valuable camera will fall outside the monetary limits of a standard home insurance policy and specialist, camera insurance needs to be arranged instead.


Some of the features of the camera policy are as follows:

Worldwide “All Risks” Insurance

Insurance is provided for physical loss or damage for your camera and equipment on a worldwide basis. ( Maximum 30 days any one trip)

Hire of replacement equipment

Following a claim for loss of damage to your insured camera.

Specified Items

We will provide you with a schedule of insurance specifying your camera. If you have other valuable items, you will be able to cover these as well.

No bonus to lose

By insuring your camera separately,you can help protect any valuable no clams bonus earned under your home insurance policy.

A variety of payment options

We accept all major credit and debit cards and monthly direct debit installments

Money back guarantee

So confident are we in our policy, we have arranged with insurers to provide a full 30 days to review the policy wording and change your mind if you are not satisfied.

If you require a quotation for camera insurance please either complete our online form or call our office.

If you are interested in digital photography, try visiting

Dealing with Assetsure couldn’t be simpler and your Camera can be covered quickly and efficiently by making one quick call or completing our web enquiry form. If you have any questions , we will also be pleased to hear from you.

We've got you covered...

Accidental Loss

A policy arranged by Assetsure will cover you if you lose your camera
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Accidental Loss

Full cover against the accidental Loss of your camera

We will arrange insurance for your camera and equipment as described in the policy schedule provided against physical loss up to your chosen sum insured.

You can choose to insure any of the following: photographic, video,sound recording equipment, accessories, adapters, battery chargers, cameras, gadget bags, lenses, sound recording equipment, wireless remote controllers and wireless transmitters belonging to you

Insurance is available for both amateurs and professionals

Unattended Vehicle Cover

Unfortunately photographic items get stolen, insurance will make sure you are covered if the worst happens.
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Unattended Vehicle Cover

Cover if your camera and equipment is stolen from a vehicle

Sometimes it is necessary to leave your camera equipment in an unattended vehicle and cover is provided up to £5000 in total

You will be expected to take reasonable precautions to guard against theft such as making sure items are placed out of sight in a locked boot or concealed under a parcel shelf, unattended vehicle cover is not available for soft-top or convertibles

Full details of unattended vehicle theft cover can be found in the policy document available on this website. This document should be read in conjunction with the Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)

Accidental Damage

Accidents can happen to camera equipment,typically when you are using them.Accidental damage insurance wilkl make sure any damaged items are repaired or replaced.
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Accidental Damage

Damage and Breakage cover for Cameras and Equipment

Cameras and other precision equipment are easily susceptible to damage if dropped or knocked especially whilst in use, aside from cosmetic damage (which happens to all equipment over time and is not covered by insurance), an accident may render the equipment unable to be operated correctly.

The insurance we provide includes cover for repairs or replacement if repairs are not possible, subject to the standard policy excess of £50.00 or £200.00 if the camera is used for professional use.

Camera Equipment Hire

You need the right gear, so replacement equipment hire is included in the cover
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Camera Equipment Hire

Hire equipment is provided whilst your is being repaired or replaced

When does damage happen to camera equipment, well in our experience, usually at the most inopportune moment. Nothing is worse than having your camera equipment damaged or stolen just before you are about to embark on holiday or are off on an assignment.

A camera Insurance policy arranged by Assetsure, will provide up to 15% of your total sum insured in respect of camera hire subject to a maximum of £250.00.


Unfortunately camera equipment does get stolen, theft is covered by the policy if you are the victim of a crime.
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Cover for Theft of your camera and equipment

Camera equipment is expensive and highly desirable by thieves as it is quite portable and relatively easy to dispose of. Theft cover for your camera and its equipment is included. This can be either from you personally when out an about out using your equipment or from your home or a place where you are temporally staying such as holiday accommodation.

Insurance is provided to replace your camera and its equipment following a theft up to your chosen sum insured.

Find out what makes us different...

Why we stand out...

We provide insurance for your Camera and Camera Equipment. Cover is arranged on an “All-Risks” basis which includes “Accidental Damage, Theft and Loss. We also include - Hire of Replacement Equipment.

Premium protection promise

Premium protection promise

We value our customers. Your premium will not be loaded next year by the insurers if you make one claim under £500. We reward loyalty and will guarantee if you find a cheaper renewal quote we will match it.

Excellent Claims Service

Excellent Claims Service

You can easily report a claim to us by telephoning our claims department who can take instructions from you regarding your loss, or if you prefer, you may email us. Full details are contained in your policy document. We’ll assist you to obtain a repaired or replaced item as quickly as possible.

30 day money back guarantee

30 day money back guarantee

We are so confident in the product we supply that we have arranged with the insurers to allow you 30 days to change your mind and request a full refund, this is rather than the generic 14 days given by most. Even if after the 30 days is up, you decide our policy is not for you, we will refund you all of the insurance you haven't used with no deductions from the return of premium.

Treating you fairly...

We will not charge you any additional admin fees to make amendments to your policy or to cancel. We won't use enticing introductory offers to draw you in as we believe the price should be good from the start.

We are so confident in the policy we arrange, that you will be entitled to a full 30 days to change your mind and obtain a full refund. This is an improvement on the 14 days which is normal. Even if after the 30 days is up, you decide the cover is not for you, we will arrange for your policy to be cancelled and a full pro rata return of premium to be provided (Subject to no claim being made).

Start here. Get a quote for your first item now…


It's important to insure your camera for the correct amount


Please select the owner's current age

See what customers are saying about our cover...

Your Questions Answered

Who are Assetsure ? icon-thin-chevron-down

Assetsure is a UK-based insurance provider, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. We are also proud members of the British Insurance Brokers Association. We also have LLoyd's of London coverholder status.

Is there any excess to pay following a claim? icon-thin-chevron-down

Yes we have a small excess per claim of £50 for amateur photographers and £200 for professionals

How much should I insure my Camera for? icon-thin-chevron-down

You should insure for the usual new undiscounted replacement cost ( including VAT ) from a reputable United Kingdom dealer as at the commencement date of the Period of insurance

Am I covered for replacement Equipment? icon-thin-chevron-down

We insure You (up to the amount specified in the Policy Schedule (subject to a maximum hiring cost) for the hiring of replacement photographic equipment of the same or similar specification whilst Your photographic equipment is awaiting repair or replacement following a fire, theft, attempted theft, or Loss or Damage.

The maximum We will pay is 15% of Your sum insured subject to a £250.00 maximum

Am I covered if I leave my equipment in the car? icon-thin-chevron-down

Yes you are covered subject to the following conditions

1. There must be evidence of forcible and violent entryto the vehicle.

2. Excluding theft from soft top and convertible vehicles

3. Excluding theft from a vehicle when it has been unattended for more than 12 hours.

4. When in a vehicle any insured items must be placed out of sight in a locked boot or concealed under a parcel shelf. For estate cars containing insured items, a factory fitted cover must be in place and in use, which completely obscures the items from view.

5. Vehicles when left unattended must have all points of access including doors, windows and windscreens left closed and properly fastened; and they must be securely locked with keys removed and security devices (where installed) operational.

6. If the value of the insured item(s) left in the unattended vehicle exceeds £1000 the vehicle must be fitted with an alarm and an immobiliser and both must be activated at all times when the vehicle is left unattended.

7. Maximum Claim in respect of theft from unattended vehicles £5000 any one event.